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Generate your bot API keys

  • Admins and super admins of the bot can generate API keys.
  • A Super Admin can delete any API key, while an admin can delete only the key(s) they have personally created.

API keys act as secure passcodes, granting authorized access to specific functionalities or resources within a system. They serve as an additional layer of protection, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring that only authenticated users or applications can interact with the API.

To generate an API key, follow these steps:

  1. On the bot Overview page, go to Access Control > API Keys.

  2. To create a new API Key, click Generate new API key.

  3. Name the API key in API Name and select User role from the dropdown.

  4. If necessary, add whitelist IP to ensure smooth access, especially if the IP is at risk of being blocked by the firewall.

  5. Click Save to generate the API key.

  6. Copy the generated key and use it in your API calls wherever required.

What's next?

  • You can use the generated key to authenticate Platform APIs, including the Notification API. Pass the API key in the header as x-api-key.